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Garden maintenance

Garden maintenance is an important process that ensures that the space remains healthy, beautiful and functional. The difference between a garden before and after maintenance can be striking, as care and attention cannot transform a neglected space into a green paradise.

The maintenance-free garden
  • Appearance: A neglected garden often shows signs of abandonment. Weeds can have taken over flower beds, plants can be irregular and shapeless, and grass can be tall and untidy. Additionally, shrubs and trees may need pruning, and flowers may be minimal or absent.
  • Plant health: Plants in a neglected garden can suffer from various diseases and pests. Lack of regular care can cause weak plants, while the absence of proper nutrition and watering can negatively affect their growth.
  • Functionality: The space may not be functional or pleasant to use. Pathways may be overgrown, living areas may be dirty, and decorative elements may need repair or cleaning.
The garden after maintenance
  • Appearance: After maintenance, the garden takes on new life. Weeds have been removed, flower beds are clean and tidy, and plants have been properly pruned into an elegant shape. The grass is cut and green, and the flowers are blooming, adding color and beauty to the space.
  • Plant health: Regular maintenance includes dealing with diseases and pests, as well as feeding the plants with fertilizer. Plants become healthier and stronger, grow better and bloom more. Watering and taking care that the plants receive the necessary nutrients and nutrition.
  • Functionality: The garden becomes more functional and pleasant to use. Paths are clear and accessible, living areas are clean and comfortable, and decorative elements are in good condition. The space becomes ideal for relaxation, social gatherings and enjoying nature.
  • Conclusion: Garden maintenance is essential to maintain the beauty and health of the area. From a messy and neglected space, proper care can create a lush, healthy and pleasant garden. The difference before and after maintenance is obvious and shows how important constant care is to the well-being of our garden.