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Why do the tips of the leaves dry out?

What does a plant want to tell us when the edges of its leaves turn brown and lose their green their color? Drying at the edges of the leaves is a phenomenon that is often observed in plants indoor plants that we keep inside the house and ornamental plants that we have in pots on the balcony, the yard and the terrace. The brown tips on the leaves gradually expand and cover more of the leaf surface. It is important to identify the cause of the drying on the edges of the leaves in order to limit the spread of the problem and protect the plants.In addition to the aesthetic problem it creates for our plants, the drying at the edges hinders its many physiological functions. If it goes further, you may see the leaves fall or even the plant dries up. As what are the causes that distinguish the edges of the leaves of plants and how to see to see in time, we enjoy beautiful and healthy plants inside the house, in the garden and on our balcony. What causes dry the edges of the leaves and how do we treat?The main reasons we see drying on the edges of the leaves are irregular watering and lack of moisture. Poor water quality, scale build-up and too much fertilizer are a few more factors that cause leaf tips to turn brown. Although we cannot reverse browned leaf tips and return them to a healthy green color, with proper care we can choose to stop the problem from spreading and new growth that is healthy and green in color.

  1. Leaves dry at the edges due to reduced watering Water is a key element for photosynthesis and absorption of nutrients by plants. Very often, the gradual lack of water and soil moisture in potted plants is manifested by drying at the edges. To deal with the problem of drying at the edges, we make sure to do regular watering according to the needs of the plants as well as the conditions that
    prevail. Especially in the hot summer season, we water more often and in larger quantities, making sure to repeat the watering as soon as the soil on the ground and in the pots dries out.
  2. The edges of the leaves turn brown due to a lack of atmospheric moisture When high temperatures prevail, especially in the summer months, the dry environment and reduced atmospheric humidity in closed indoor spaces can cause drying of the edges of the plants. To correct the drought situation, we moisten the foliage of the plants with distilled water, every 2-3 days, to have a high percentage of relative humidity in our space.
  3. Leaves wither at the edges due to over-fertilization Fertilizer is the food of plants, however adding too much fertilizer can cause problems for plants. As a first symptom, the plant shows drying at the edges of the leaves which can lead to extensive leaf drop and even total plant drying.
  4. Leaves turn brown at the edges due to lack of nutrients The lack of specific nutrients in the soil or potting soil, such as potassium and boron, can cause characteristic drying at the edges of the leaves of ornamental plants as well as fruit trees. To deal with the lack of plant nutrients, we add the appropriate fertilizer to the soil or spray the foliage of the plants with a special foliar fertilizer for faster absorption..
  5. Leaf tips turn brown due to salt build-up Some plants are sensitive to salts built up with irrigation water. The tips of the leaves of the plants, especially when they are young, can develop drying on the tips of the leaves when watering with tap water that has a high salt content. Rainwater and deionized water from devices such as dehumidifiers and dryers do not contain salts and are an ideal choice for watering our plants.

And a secret about the tips of the leaves that dry out: If the tips of the leaves on our plants are severely dried, we can cut them with a pair of scissors, being careful not to injure the plant.