Nice Mimosa: a lovely plant with yellow flowers Previous item What do we plant in October? Next item What do we plant in September?

Nice Mimosa: a lovely plant with yellow flowers

The Nice mimosa is a beautiful ornamental plant that stands out in winter with its fluffy yellow flowers that resemble small balls.

Also known as yellow mimosa, acacia mimosa or tame acacia, the Nice mimosa (Acacia dealbata) should not be confused with other species that we may hear called “mimosa”, such as the Constantinople acacia with pink flowers and the well-known plant “non . my touch” that closes its leaves when we touch it.

It is an evergreen plant with characteristic thin oblong leaves that we will meet as a tree or shrub with a rich flowering of small spherical flowers that impress.

The Nice mimosa can exceed 10 meters in height and attain a width of 3-4 meters.

To reach its final size, the mimosa will take around 10 to 20 years, after which it does not grow significantly. A favorite plant for the city, mimosa is quite popular in the urban environment thanks to its hardiness and is often found in gardens, parks, squares and road dividers.

In addition, it can be planted in pots and balcony planters and in this case it has a more limited growth.

As we will see more information about mimosa along with useful tips for its care and treatment, so that we can enjoy its beautiful foliage and best flowering in our garden or balcony.

  1. What conditions does mimosa need to grow and give us many flowers? Mimosa loves the sun. To show abundant flowering, we plant it in places with enough sunshine, protected from frost and strong winds. It thrives in most soil types when they have drainage, growing best in neutral or slightly acidic soil pH. It is a plant that withstands atmospheric pollution as well as drought, and can also be chosen as a plant for coastal areas.
  2. When does mimosa bloom? Mimosa blooms from late winter to early spring, giving us lots of lovely yellow flowers. Its flowers then turn into bean-shaped fruits containing black seeds.
  3. How often does mimosa need watering? Nice mimosa needs regular watering in the first period after planting, as well as during the hot summer months or during heatwave conditions. For example, we water the Nice mimosa once a week in the spring and autumn and definitely twice a week in the summer. When it becomes a large tree in our garden and develops an extensive root system, it is now highly resistant to drought and its water needs are limited.
  4. How often does mimosa need fertilizer? After planting, during the first two years, the Nice mimosa needs regular fertilization to make rapid growth and abundant foliage. This biennial, we add once a month, from early spring to early fall, a water-soluble 20-20-20 type fertilizer that is directly utilized by the roots of the plants. For larger Mimosa Nicaea trees, add complete granular fertilizer three times a year, in early spring, early summer, and early fall.
  5. How to plant mimosa Nicaea in a pot? To plant mimosa in a pot on the balcony, we prefer sunny positions with a south or west orientation, protected from north winds. We choose large pots, at least 40 cm in diameter, as the Nice mimosa develops an extensive root system. To fill the pots, we use nutrient-enriched potting soil containing perlite or pumice. Nice mimosa can be kept even inside the house as an indoor plant, it is not in a very bright place, away from heating bodies, such as radiators and fireplaces.
  6. Which insects and which diseases affect Nice mimosa? Nice mimosa is resistant to disease attacks and does not need special plant protection at a preventive level. In conditions of excessive moisture and poor soil drainage, the Nice mimosa can experience root rot due to the development of fungal diseases. In this case, we limit the watering and add to the root a water-soluble preparation of copper sulfate, our well-known bluestone.
  7. Does Nice mimosa need pruning? The Nikaia mimosa does not need special pruning and we can let it grow freely in our garden. If we want to prune to limit its size or to control its shape in some way, do it at the end of summer, before the formation of the next flowering begins. If we notice gluttonous shoots growing from the base of the mimosa trunk, it is necessary to remove them to stimulate its growth.
  8. How is Nice mimosa propagated? We can create new mimosa plants easily and economically in two ways, by carrying out: a) propagation by seeds or b) propagation by cuttings:
    • Mimosa propagation by seed. In the spring, we can plant the black seeds contained in the fruits of the plant, following the following procedure: Mimosa seeds do not germinate quickly, so before planting them we will soak them in boiling water for 12 hours. Then we plant the seeds in nursery pots. The seeds will germinate in 2-3 weeks. After they have grown enough, after 2-3 months, we can transplant the new plants into a bigger pot or in their final position in the garden.
    • Propagation of mimosa by cuttings. To propagate mimosa by cuttings, we follow the following procedure: In late spring, we take 15-20 cm long stem segments (cuttings) from branches that have not bloomed. We remove 2/3 of the leaves from the base of the stem, leaving only 2-3 leaves at the top of the cutting. Rooting hormone is applied to the cut at the base of the cutting to increase the success rate of mimosa Nice propagation. We place the Mimosa Nicea transplant in a nursery pot in a mixture of peat and perlite in a ratio of 1:1. We keep the pot in a cool, shady environment until our plant takes root. After 2-3 months, we transplant it to its final position.
    • And a secret about the mimosa. In addition to its decorative use, the Nikaia mimosa is used for the production of timber and also for the protection of soils at risk of erosion.